Policy Engagement

Call to Action

RWE4Decisions calls for a Multi-Stakeholder EU Learning Network on RWE within the European Health Data Space
The Call to Action will be launched at the “Health Innovation – the European Health Data Space and Real-World Evidence” event on 10 November.
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Press Releases

RWE4Decisions Contribution to a Call for Effective Stakeholder Engagement and Capacity Building during the Implementation of the EHDS (5 March 2025)
As we enter the implementation phase, RWE4Decisions together with 38 other representatives of the EU health community stands ready to be an active and engaged partner for the upcoming phases.
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Press Release: Co-Creation of Real-World Evidence for Decision-Making
Press Release

Press Release: Co-Creation of Real-World Evidence for Decision-Making

24 November 2022
Co-Creation of Real-World Evidence for Decision-Making 2022 Symposium on ‘Policies & Partnerships’ Brussels, 24 November 2022: RWE4Decisions welcomes the new momentum to support the development and use of Real-World Evidence (RWE). This is particularly relevant in light of the implementation of the EU Regulation on Health Technology Assessment. Oncology and ATMP products will be assessed […]
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RWE4Decisions response to the European Commission Consultation on a European Health Data Space
Submission to Public Consultations

RWE4Decisions response to the European Commission Consultation on a European Health Data Space

30 July 2022
RWE4Decisions welcomes the European Commission’s proposal for a European Health Data Space (EHDS): it is an ambitious step forward to systematically organise health data in Members States according to aligned, stringent quality standards; with structures to enable well-governed access to data that could improve patient care, support research and innovation and inform policy. The EHDS […]
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RWE4Decisions welcomes the proposal for a European Health Data Space

RWE4Decisions welcomes the proposal for a European Health Data Space

16 May 2022
RWE4Decisions welcomes the proposal for a European Health Data Space (EHDS), an ambitious step forward to facilitate the exchange and access to health data in the EU, which will deliver value to patients and to healthcare systems. The EHDS is a major opportunity as it will promote trust in health data through the creation of […]
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EMA/ Payer meeting on evidence generation along the life-cycle of medicinal products

EMA/ Payer meeting on evidence generation along the life-cycle of medicinal products

12 March 2021
Health care Payers and the European Medicines Agency met on 12 March 2021 to discuss synergies and cultivate mutual understanding and cooperation on evidence generation along the life-cycle of medicinal products. Addressing gaps in evidence generation is particularly important when it comes to highly innovative technologies, as these often come with a higher level of uncertainty […]
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RWE4Decisions submission to the Roadmap for a European Health Data Space public consultation
Submission to Public Consultations

RWE4Decisions submission to the Roadmap for a European Health Data Space public consultation

2 February 2021
On 23 December 2020, the European Commission launched a public consultation on its Roadmap for the set-up of the European Health Data Space (EHDS). Given the importance of a functioning EHDS to enable the cross-border sharing of real-world data by decision-makers (HTA, payers, regulators), RWE4Decisions provided a response to the consultation. The submission is available […]
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10 November Conference:  Health Innovation – the European Health Data Space and Real-World Evidence
On November 10, the RWE4Decisions’ initiative hosted a conference on ‘Health Innovation – the European Health Data Space and Real World Evidence’, hosted under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of Health associated programme of the German EU Presidency.
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Published Papers

Can we use existing guidance to support the development of robust real-world evidence for HTA/Payer decision-making?
Advances in the digitization of health systems and expedited regulatory approvals of innovative treatments have led to increased potential for the use of real-world data (RWD) to generate real-world evidence (RWE) to complement evidence from clinical trials. However, health technology assessment (HTA) bodies and payers have concerns about the ability to generate RWE of sufficient quality to be pivotal evidence of relative treatment effectiveness. Consequently, there is a growing need for HTA bodies and payers to develop guidance for the industry and other stakeholders about the use of RWD/RWE to support access, reimbursement, and pricing. We therefore sought to (i) understand barriers to the use of RWD/RWE by HTA bodies and payers; (ii) review potential solutions in the form of published guidance; and (iii) review findings with selected HTA/payer bodies. Four themes considered key to shaping the generation of robust RWE for HTA bodies and payers were identified as: (i) data (availability, governance, and quality); (ii) methodology (design and analytics); (iii) trust (transparency and reproducibility); and (iv) policy and partnerships. A range of guidance documents were found from trusted sources that could address these themes. These were discussed with HTA experts. This commentary summarizes the potential guidance solutions available to help resolve issues faced by HTA decision-makers in the adoption of RWD/RWE. It shows that there is alignment among stakeholders about the areas that need improvement in the development of RWE and that the key priority to move forward is better collaboration to make data usable for multiple purposes.
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Real-world Evidence to Support Payer/HTA Decisions about Highly Innovative Technologies in the EU – Actions for stakeholders
This paper goes beyond strategic intent to consider actions that regulators, HTA bodies, Payers, clinicians and patients could take to improve the use of real-world data to inform their decision. Case studies of recent Payer/HTA assessments about highly innovative technologies showed that there was a lack of clarity about the Payer/HTA questions that could be answered by RWD and how the quality of real-world evidence (RWE) could be assessed. For each stakeholder group, recommended actions to support the generation, analysis and interpretation of RWD to inform decision-making were developed.
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TRUST4RD – Tool for Reducing Uncertainties in the evidence generation for Specialized Treatments for Rare Diseases
Authored by Professor Lieven Annemans, University of Ghent. This paper develops a technical but pragmatic tool and methodology that allows the uncertainties in evidence for a specialised treatment for a rare disease to be made explicit, to be prioritized and to be addressed in an adequate and timely way. Additionally, the paper provides guidance on the potential of real-world evidence (i.e. data collected outside the context of randomised controlled clinical trials; RWE) to help address such uncertainties.
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Workshop Reports

Roundtable Report: Post-Launch Evidence Generation (21 September 2023)
RWE4Decisions hosted a roundtable discussion to reflect on operationalization of Post Launch Evidence Generation (PLEG). Fifty-five stakeholders participated in the event, representing HTA bodies and payers, insurers, ministries of health, national public health authorities, European and international institutions, clinicians, patient representatives, registry holders, academia, and health technology developers. Participants shared potential uses of PLEG. This interactive session was followed by four presentations on operationalising PLEG from representatives of the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA), the Spanish Ministry of Health, the Dutch National Health Care Institute (ZIN) and AstraZeneca.
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RWE4Decisions workshop report 2021 – Implementing Outcomes Based Managed Entry Agreements – 10 Actions
RWE4Decisions held trans-national multi-stakeholder workshops to discuss CED plans for two fictitious highly innovative treatments for rare disorders. The nature of the fictitious treatments was contrasting as one treatment was life-long and the other once-in-a-lifetime. Each rare disease had no existing disease modifying treatments, and the new treatments had a high price and major uncertainties in the evidence base available to HTA/Payers. Pros and cons of real-world data sources that might resolve the decision-relevant uncertainties were considered. Challenges in accessing the data arising due to the rarity of the condition, alignment of post marketing data collection requirements, publication of detailed data collection plans and data governance of data provided by highly specialised centres were discussed. Potential actions that could be taken by individual stakeholders or collaborative initiatives were agreed.
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10 November Conference:  Health Innovation – the European Health Data Space and Real-World Evidence
On November 10, the RWE4Decisions’ initiative hosted a conference on ‘Health Innovation – the European Health Data Space and Real World Evidence’, hosted under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of Health associated programme of the German EU Presidency.
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Agile Scientific Consultation Process

Agile Scientific Consultation Process

September 2020
3mb, PDF
These slides capture the key public learnings stemming from confidential workshops convened by INAMI in September 2020 to pilot an agile scientific consultation process with individual companies. Three highly innovative technologies in development were discussed individually with a Core Advice Panel composed of Payers and HTA/regulatory bodies, an EMA Patient expert and a clinical expert, resulting in non-binding advice to inform real-world evidence generation plans.
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Outcomes based pricing and reimbursement of innovative medicines
This paper outlines an overview of the principles of “value based pricing“ and reimbursement, followed by a discussion of the current uncertainty regarding clinical and financial outcomes at time of market access of innovations. A proposal is presented for outcomes based agreements that deal with this uncertainty and its causes.
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The use of RWD throughout an innovative medicine’s lifecycle
The paper discusses the usefulness of RWD throughout the lifecycle of innovative medicine, and the current issues in the collection, interpretation and implementation of RWD. In addition good practice principles and necessary actions to improve the use of RWD are proposed.
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National Health Data Sources

Event Reports

Real-World Evidence over the Medicine’s Lifecycle to inform HTA/Payer decisions | RWE4Decisions Symposium Report (23 November)
On 23 November 2023, the RWE4Decisions Learning Network held its Annual Symposium entitled “Real-World Evidence over the Medicine’s Lifecycle to inform HTA/Payer decisions” in a hybrid format. This event brought together a diverse in-person audience, including representatives from HTA bodies, Payers, European and national policymakers, international organisations, healthcare technology developers, clinicians, researchers, and patient advocates.
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