The RWE4Decisions initiative held its first public meeting on 22 September to discuss how to support the use of real-world evidence to inform HTA/payer decisions and enable ‘learning healthcare systems’ to improve patient outcomes.
Based on the learnings from concrete case studies, we addressed questions including:
- What is the role of real-world data (RWD) collection & real-world evidence (RWE) generation in assessing the value of treatments for patients and healthcare systems?
- What are the key challenges that need to be addressed in order to make the most effective use of RWE to enable decisions by HTA/payers? Who needs to do what to address these issues?
- How are recent advances in digital and advanced analytics allowing RWE to be used in new ways?
Consideration was given on how to realise a multi-stakeholder EU Learning Network on Real-World Evidence – an agile platform for collaboration between HTA bodies, payers, regulators, industry, clinicians, and patients.

The outputs of this meeting will feed into the planning of a high-level conference on 10 November in Brussels – hosted under the associated programme of the EU German Presidency – with the participation of the European Commission, leading Parliamentarians and national decision-makers. We aim to have defined clear policy asks in order to call for action by the EU institutions as well as national decision-makers.