
On the 23rd of October, between 15:00-16:30 CEST, RWE4Decisions hosted its last webinar for 2024: “HTA/Payer Collaboration in the Nordics – The Role of Real-World Evidence”.
Speakers explored the creation and operation of the Joint Nordic HTA Bodies (JNHB) collaboration, how it evolved from FINOSE to JNHB, and how joint reports are taken up locally.
Welcome from the co-moderators
Dr Tove Holm-LarsenChief Executive Officer, Silvi.ai / Professor, Ghent UniversityTove Holm-Larsen is the Chief Executive Officer of Silvi.ai, a software company dedicated to increasing the speed of transforming scientific data into scientific advice, and a guest professor in health economic evidence at Ghent University. Tove has over 20 years of experience in tailoring clinical trials to provide core data for health economic assessments and in strategic use of different data sources, including Danish health data, to document clinical benefit to the patient.
She has authored numerous books and articles focused on health economics, innovative pricing, and assessment of clinical benefit. Tove holds a PhD in quality of life and health economics from the University of Copenhagen.Dr Alexander NatzSecretary General, European Confederation of Pharmaceutical EntrepreneursAlexander Natz is the Secretary General of the European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs (EUCOPE), a position he holds since 2010. He also works as a lawyer for the law firm Novacos and advises pharmaceutical and biotech companies in regulatory and pricing & reimbursement decisions from a EU and German law perspective. From 2008 to 2013, he was the head of the Brussels office of the German Pharmaceutical Industry Association (BPI). Dr Natz also worked in the field of competition law with the European Commission and in the pharmaceutical industry. He was a research assistant at Duke University (USA) where he dealt with international pharmaceutical law.
Keynote presentations
Joint Nordic HTA Bodies (JNHB) – the Nordics example of collaboration
Dr Ehm Astrid Andersson GalijatovicMedical Assessor, Chief Consultant, Danish Medicines Council (DMC)Ehm Andersson Galijatovic has been a Health Science Consultant at the Danish Medicines Council (DMC) since January 2017. As part of her role, she represents the DMC in the Nordic collaborations – the JNHB and the New Expensive Drugs working group under Nordic Pharmaceutical Forum – and in the EU-HTA subgroup for Joint Scientific Consultation (JSC). She is also working on the implementation of the new HTA Regulation in the DMC.
Prior to her current role, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research (Metabolism Center), an institution from which she also received her PhD. -
Dr Maria ErikssonMedical Assessor, Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency (TLV)Maria Eriksson is a medical assessor at the Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency (TLV) in Sweden. Maria coordinates the JNHB collaboration, formerly known as FINOSE, from the Swedish side.
In addition to coordinating JNHB, Maria has worked with EUnetHTA21 during the two-year project period and is now involved in TLV’s preparatory work for implementation of the HTA Regulation. Maria is a member of the HTACG subgroups for Joint Clinical Assessment and Joint Scientific Consultation and represents Sweden in the Committee on HTA.
Before joining TLV, Maria worked for almost ten years with research and development of biological medicines targeting the nervous system. First with immunotherapy at BioArctic and then with enzyme replacement therapies at Sobi – Swedish Orphan Biovitrum. Maria holds a PhD in neuroscience from Karolinska Institutet and has conducted a post doc at Stockholm University.
Panel discussion
Prof Kimmo PorkkaProfessor of personalised cancer medicine / Chief physician, University of Helsinki
Kimmo Porkka is a professor of personalised cancer medicine and chief physician at the University of Helsinki. His research centers on the targeted medical treatment of leukemias and, in recent years, he has especially focused on the individualized treatment of acute leukemia and its promotion as part of the patient’s hospital treatment. In addition, Kimmo has been involved in the development of drug treatment for blood diseases in both the preclinical and clinical stages.
He is also one of the key persons in the FinOMOP-network, which applies the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model and aims to create a comprehensive population-based health data infrastructure for Finland by 2025. -
Dr Christian DehlendorffBiostatistical Chief Consultant, Danish Medicines Council (DMC)
Christian Dehlendorff is a biostatistical chief consultant at the Danish Medicines Council, where he has been working since September 2021. He has more than 15 years of experience working with real-world data and evidence primarily within register-based epidemiology and in recent years also experience in how real-world data can be used in health technology assessments.
Prior to his current position, he was employed at the Danish Cancer Society Research Center from 2011-2021 and was head of statistics from 2018. He was also employed as external associate professor at the Technical University of Denmark.
Christian has a master of science in engineering from the Technical University of Denmark with a focus on statistics and data analysis. He received his PhD from the Technical University of Denmark in 2010. He has authored 150+ scientific publications, in particular within pharmaco-(cancer)epidemiology. Christian also holds a position as an external associate professor at the University of Copenhagen. -
Lars MøllerAccess & Value FIND Cluster Lead and Managing Director, Pfizer DenmarkLars Møller is the Access and Value Find Cluster Lead and Managing Director at Pfizer Denmark, which he first joined in 1993. In the meantime, he has held multiple positions within the company, including Country Manager, Managing Director for its subsidiaries in Denmark and Iceland, and Vaccines Unit Lead for the Nordics, Baltics and Ireland. He is a member of the Board in the Danish Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry as well as member of the Life Science Committee in Danish Industry Organization.
Lars holds a Masters of Science in pharmaceutical sciences from the University of Copenhagen and a Certified Board Education from Copenhagen Business School.
Q&A with audience
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Public Webinar: From Policy to Practice: EHDS Implementation to Support Better Real-World Evidence for HTA/Payers
15:00-16:30 CEST